XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações

Temperature Humidity Monitoring and Control Application Using Concepts of Internet of Things
Felipe Muhamed-Ávila, Thallyson Silva, Tania Tronco, Luis Fernando de Avila
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.87
Keywords: Internet of Things M2M Sensors IBM IoT Cloud
In this paper, we present an application of Internet of Things (IoT) using Cloud concepts. The main idea of this application is monitoring and control of temperature and humidity of a room without human intervention. The application runs in real time and can be used anyplace where with internet access. For this, a sensor and an Arduino microcontroller card are employed, as well a remote database is built to store the collected information. The IBM IoT platform, that includes a cloud interface, is used to create a graphic view of this application.Download

Proposta de Índices para Avaliação de Instabilidade de Sinal em RSSF Operando em Ambiente Industrial
Vitor Q. Pereira, Omar C. Branquinho, Cilene R. Real, Pedro Chaves, Fernando Lino
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.88
Keywords: RSSF Management Industrial Networks RSSI instability Boxplot.
This paper presents a real time index proposal to evaluate the behavior of the received signal strength indication (RSSI) of a wireless sensor network (WSN) running in an industrial environment, to aid the management system decision taking with regard to the network reconfiguration. These indices are obtained based on the Sliding Window Boxplot Diagram of the last few RSSI samples and conveniently have their values between zero and one. Unlike the conventional standard deviation, this is an analysis that, in addition to the signal dispersion evaluation, also allows for the evaluation of the moments when the signal intensity dispersion tends to increase or decrease separately. The results show that the proposed indices can be used by management to adjust the WSN resources operating in an industrial environment, such as base change, change of route, power adjustment, change of channel, etc.Download

Security requirements for data storage services on public clouds
Vitor Hugo Galhardo Moia, Marco Aurélio Amaral Henriques
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.89
Keywords: Cloud Computing Cloud Storage Privacy Security Key management
Nowadays, cloud computing is a consolidated technology and users are taking all their data to the cloud. Security and privacy are strongly required by users who are concerned about their data being exposed. Cryptography is one of the solutions to avoid unauthorized access to data, but with so many cloud service providers, can users trust them the safety of their data? How safe are they? In this paper we present an analysis of security features of some cloud service providers and point out some problems. Moreover, we propose a set of requirements for a privacy oriented cloud service and make recommendations to improve the security and privacy offered by new and existing providers.Download

Avaliação experimental das plataformas Xen, KVM e OpenFlow no roteamento de pacotes
Leopoldo A. F. Mauricio, Marcelo G. Rubinstein
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.91
Keywords: Routing performance OpenFlow Xen KVM.
This paper aims at qualitatively evaluating the performance of routing virtual environments built with KVM and Xen virtualization platforms, combined with the OpenFlow protocol, which is used for creating Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Initially, Xen and KVM were installed on modern x86 servers to compare their CPU, RAM memory access and networking performances. Results show that KVM, when Virtio is used, despite being a full virtualization platform, has better memory, CPU and networking performance than Xen. Furthermore, the Xen VM packet routing performance is better than Xen routed, and almost equal to the KVM and native Linux, when they are installed with OpenFlow to separate the router control plan from router data plan.Download

Correção do Efeito Show-Through baseada em técnicas de Separação Cega de Fontes
Renato Martin De La Rosa Castillo, Ricardo Suyama
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.92
Keywords: Blind Image Separation Blind Source Separation Show-Through Effect Independent Component Analysis Nonlinear Mixtures.
A commom distortion in the digitalization of documents is known as the Show-Through Effect, in which the image in the back of the document interferes in the digitized image of front side. Removing this kind of interference can be seen as an instance of the general Blind Source Separation Problem (BSS), for which several different techniques have been proposed in the literature, considering specific characteristics of the sources and the mixing process. In the present work, we chose 5 of those techniques and compare them with the aim of identifying pros and cons of each method that might be usefull in the development of new techniques for the Show-Through effect mitigation.Download

Spectrum Sensing over -μ Shadowed Fading Channel with Noise Uncertainty
Wanessa de Alvarenga Silva, Kim Moraes Mota, and Ugo Silva Dias
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.93
Keywords: Cognitive radio -μ shadowed fading channel Spectrum sensing Noise uncertainty.
In this paper, the performance analysis of energy detection of cognitive radio systems operating over -μ shadowed fading channel distribution is presented and investigated. The composite multipath/shadowing model provide remarkably accurate statistical characterization due considering both smallscale and large-scale fading in their physical model. In this way, admitting the noise power estimation error and noise uncertainty, the worst case of the miss detection and false-alarm probabilities are derived for cooperative and non-cooperative spectrum sensing systems. Field measurements are used to investigate, in practice, the usefulness of the -μ shadowed composite fading, in cooperative spectrum sensing scenarios and an excellent fitting is found. Comparisons are performed against other fading model, in which it is possibleDownload

Caracterização da Impedância de Acesso à Rede de Energia Elétrica Residencial para Uso em Sistemas Power Line Communications
Luís Guilherme da S. Costa, Antonio Angelo M. Picorone, Antônio Carlos M. de Queiroz, Vinícius Lagrota R. da Costa, Moisés V. Ribeiro.
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.94
Keywords: PLC impedance matching PLC coupling electricity power network.
This work aims to discuss the characterization of access impedance in Brazilian indoor electric power grids for designing Power Line Communication (PLC) system suitable for the Brazilian characteristics. With this regards, we briefly describe a measurement campaign that was carried out to measure access impedance considering the frequency band between 2 to 500 MHz. In the following, we present statistical analyses that address the behavior of such paramenter of typical electric power grids in Brazilian homes considering three important frequency bands for broadband PLC system applications. Finally, we show that the attained results provide very important information to design matching circuits that are useful to improve the performance of broadband PLC systems.Download

Análise do Impacto do Ruído ASE em Redes Ópticas Elásticas Transparentes Utilizando Múltiplos Formatos de Modulação
Matheus A. Cavalcante, Helder A. Pereira, Daniel A. R. Chaves, Raul C. Almeida Jr.
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.95
Keywords: Amplified Spontaneous Emission Computational Simulation Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio Transparent Elastic Optical Networks.
This paper presents an analytical model to quantify the amplified spontaneous emission noise generated by optical amplifiers (booster, line and pre-amplifiers) used in elastic transparent optical networks. In addition, we propose a methodology to determine the maximum distance between in-line amplifiers to guarantee the network transparency operation. Different modulation formats and transmission rates, losses on devices and amplifiers gains are considered. The proposed methodology is applyed and the results are presented in terms of network performance considering some routing heuristics.Download

Spectrum Sharing Strategies for Machine Type Communication in Cognitive Networks
M. V. M. Bassi, A. Tregancini Jr., A. A. Ferreira, C. H. M. de Lima
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.96
Keywords: MTC M2M IEEE 802:11 cognitive radio selforganization spectrum sensing.
In this work we investigate spectrum sensing strategies for enabling machine-to-machine applications in broadband communication systems. Our studies are carried out in two fronts: (i) experimental testbed using a dedicated software based on proprietary application programming interface for firmware spectrum analyzer; and (ii) computational implementations by means of the Monte Carlo approach. Our results show that cognitive radio effectively enables opportunistic spectrum access between primary and secondary users. In fact, we observed a gain about 10 dB when comparing our best spectrum sharing strategy against the reference (non cognitive radio) deployment scenario.Download

Estimação Cega de Assinaturas Espaciais para Arranjos em Formato L Baseada em Modelagem Tensorial de Correlações Cruzadas
Paulo R. B. Gomes, André L. F. de Almeida, João C. M. Mota
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.97
Keywords: Array signal processing DoA estimation tensor decomposition.
Spatial signature or direction of arrival (DoA) estimation is a key problem in array signal processing with applications in radar, sonar, mobile communications and others. In this paper, we propose a tensor-based method to solve the blind spatial signature estimation problem. By assuming that a L-shaped receiver array is divided into smaller subarrays, the Tucker decomposition of a fourth-order tensor is formulated from the cross-correlation matrix of received data in the different subarrays. Based on this higher-order structure, the iterative algorithm proposed in [1] is adapted to estimate blindly the elevation and azimuth angles of the incident signals in L-shaped arrays. Simulation results obtained shows that the proposed method gives better performance than the classical algorithms Propagator Method (PM), Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) and Estimation of Signal Parameters by Rotational Invariance Techniques (ESPRIT).Download