Correção do Efeito Show-Through baseada em técnicas de Separação Cega de Fontes
Renato Martin De La Rosa Castillo, Ricardo Suyama
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.92
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: Blind Image Separation Blind Source Separation Show-Through Effect Independent Component Analysis Nonlinear Mixtures.
A commom distortion in the digitalization of documents is known as the Show-Through Effect, in which the image in the back of the document interferes in the digitized image of front side. Removing this kind of interference can be seen as an instance of the general Blind Source Separation Problem (BSS), for which several different techniques have been proposed in the literature, considering specific characteristics of the sources and the mixing process. In the present work, we chose 5 of those techniques and compare them with the aim of identifying pros and cons of each method that might be usefull in the development of new techniques for the Show-Through effect mitigation.Download