Proposta de Índices para Avaliação de Instabilidade de Sinal em RSSF Operando em Ambiente Industrial
Vitor Q. Pereira, Omar C. Branquinho, Cilene R. Real, Pedro Chaves, Fernando Lino
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.88
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: RSSF Management Industrial Networks RSSI instability Boxplot.
This paper presents a real time index proposal to evaluate the behavior of the received signal strength indication (RSSI) of a wireless sensor network (WSN) running in an industrial environment, to aid the management system decision taking with regard to the network reconfiguration. These indices are obtained based on the Sliding Window Boxplot Diagram of the last few RSSI samples and conveniently have their values between zero and one. Unlike the conventional standard deviation, this is an analysis that, in addition to the signal dispersion evaluation, also allows for the evaluation of the moments when the signal intensity dispersion tends to increase or decrease separately. The results show that the proposed indices can be used by management to adjust the WSN resources operating in an industrial environment, such as base change, change of route, power adjustment, change of channel, etc.Download