Spectrum Sensing over -μ Shadowed Fading Channel with Noise Uncertainty
Wanessa de Alvarenga Silva, Kim Moraes Mota, and Ugo Silva Dias
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.93
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: Cognitive radio -μ shadowed fading channel Spectrum sensing Noise uncertainty.
In this paper, the performance analysis of energy detection of cognitive radio systems operating over -μ shadowed fading channel distribution is presented and investigated. The composite multipath/shadowing model provide remarkably accurate statistical characterization due considering both smallscale and large-scale fading in their physical model. In this way, admitting the noise power estimation error and noise uncertainty, the worst case of the miss detection and false-alarm probabilities are derived for cooperative and non-cooperative spectrum sensing systems. Field measurements are used to investigate, in practice, the usefulness of the -μ shadowed composite fading, in cooperative spectrum sensing scenarios and an excellent fitting is found. Comparisons are performed against other fading model, in which it is possibleDownload