XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

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Determining the Location of Objects Using a Vision-System Sensor and CPM
Silas Lobo, Evelio M.G. Fernandez, Christian Facchi

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661627
Keywords: VANET Collective Perception Message Perceived Object CPM
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are expected to be the next big step towards safer road transport, supporting applications to exchange information between vehicles according to ETSI ITS G5. One of the major benefits is to share data related to the onboard sensors, affording to aware surroundings vehicles about objects that are not in their line-of-sight. Using this data, all network participants can develop a Dynamic Map with all relevant obstacles. This paper presents an approach, named GDO, to assist a map development applying the MobilEye as onboard sensor. To this end, several tests were implemented and evaluated.

Análise da Eficiência Energética de Estratégias de Transmissão para uma Rede Com Retransmissor Multidirecional
Marcio Henrique Doniak

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661630
Keywords: Multiway relay network Energy efficiency Wireless sensor networks
A network with a multidirectional relay is used in a wireless sensor network so that nodes can exchange their information with each other more efficiently. It assumes three distinct transmission strategies previously defined. They differ in the way the nodes transmit, one is in pairs, the other is all together and in the third half transmits simultaneously. An analysis of the energy efficiency of these strategies was carried out. The one where all the nodes transmit together had the best energy efficiency when the maximum effective rate was considered. By relaxing this condition, the others proved to be more efficient.

Avaliação da Influência da Valinomicina via Bomba de Na⁺/K⁺ na Comunicação Molecular por Sinalização de Ca²⁺ em Astrócitos
Ittalo S. Silva, Kaique Rijkaard de Sousa Oliveira, Ricardo de S Farias, Carlos Danilo Regis

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661636
Keywords: Sinalização de Ca²⁺ Astrócitos Valinomicina Bomba de Na⁺/K⁺
Ca²⁺-Signaling-based Molecular Communication (MC) implies the propagation of Ca²⁺ ions through cells by diffusion, which is influenced by the presence of concentration regulative structures in the plasma membrane, as the Na⁺/K⁺ pump. The valinomycin is a substance that operates via Na⁺/K⁺ pump to facilitate the transportation of those molecules through the membrane. Thus, this paper implemented a MC system, in order to evaluate the influence of the valinomycin in the Ca²⁺-Signaling in astrocytes. The activity of the valiomycin led both the Ca²⁺ propagation in the cytosol and the gain of the system to increase 9.4% and about 7.85 dB, respectively.

Estudo da robustez da sincronização de fase em redes de neurônios de Rulkov
Angelo C Oliveira, Marcio Eisencraft

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661639
Keywords: modelo de Rulkov sincronismo de fase redes de neurônios robustez
Synchronization between neurons is associated with the health of the nervous system and various cognitive processes. In this article, the neuronal dynamic is represented by the Rulkov model. The robustness of the phase synchronization in case of neuron losses is preliminarily studied, simulating the disconnection of each inactive neuron. Random, small-world and scale-free networks are analyzed. The disconnections follow criteria as major and minor degree withdrawal, centrality of intermediation and random withdrawal.

Análise Hemodinâmica da Propagação de Moléculas de Informação no Sistema Arterial de uma Gestante
Tainá N. Oriente, Ittalo S. Silva, Carlos Danilo Regis

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661642
Keywords: Comunicações moleculares movimento browniano mudanças hemodinâmicas
Molecular communications have found place in the study and modelling of human body. During gestation, for example, bio-signaling information plays a crucial role. From this perspective, this work proposes to analyze the propagation of information molecules in the cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman, taking into account the advection-diffusion processes in the brownian motion of the particles and analyzing the effects of the hemodynamic changes in pregnancy on the communication system. During pregnancy, it was obtained a raise of 1.26 dB in the system gain and a decrease of at least 33.7% in the delay.

Análise de Desempenho Assintótica das Técnicas EGC e SC com Múltiplos Ramos sob Desvanecimento Generalizado
Francisco Raimundo Albuquerque Parente, Flavio P. Calmon, José Cândido Silveira Santos Filho

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661643
Keywords: Asymptotic performance analysis Equal-gain combining Fading channels Selection combining
In wireless communications systems, the performance analysis of diversity techniques is commonly based on essential metrics such as symbol-error rate and outage probability. Under generalized fading channels, these metrics have an exact analytical formulation that is quite complicated, if not unfeasible, which has motivated the search for simpler approximate solutions. In this work, it is proposed an asymptotic performance analysis of two multibranch combining techniques subject to generalized fading, namely, equal-gain combining and selection combining. Asymptotic closed-form expressions are obtained, providing a clear understanding of the system performance in terms of physical parameters for the high signal-to-noise ratio regime. The analysis is illustrated with representative numerical results and an insightful discussion, revealing how each fading parameter impacts the two combining techniques under study.

Método Iterativo de Representação Esparsa Implementado em FPGA para Aplicação em Calorimetria
Tiago Aparecido Teixeira, Melissa Santos Aguiar, Luciano Filho, José de Seixas

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661647
Keywords: Hardware FPGA Implementação Calorímetros
The LHC particle accelerator has been undergoing an upgrade process, producing the effect known as pile-up in the reading electronics of the detectors. As the algorithm currently used to estimate the amplitude of the signals generated in these collisions is not tolerant to this effect, this work proposes the implementation in hardware of an iterative method based on a variant of the Separable Surrogate Functionals method that retrieves the information from the amplitude of the overlapping signals within an acquisition window. Such implementation allows dozens of channels to be implemented in parallel within a single FPGA, in addition to respecting the operating latency required for its online implementation.

Processamento multicore para reconstrução online de energia por meio de redes neurais
Melissa Santos Aguiar, Lucca Viccini, Dabson Ferreira, Mariana Resende, Mateus Faria, Luciano Filho, José de Seixas

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661648
Keywords: Calorimetria Rede neural FPGA Multicore
Energy reconstruction in Calorimeters is a process executed in pulses generated in its electrodes to estimate the energy of subatomic particles that go through its material. Non-Gaussian characteristics of the noise in calorimeters operating at high frame rates demonstrate that non-linear estimation methods are more appropriate. Nevertheless, such methods tend to have a high computational cost, which makes their online implementation an inconvenience. Is presented with this work, the implementation of an embedded neural network in a multicore process in FPGA, capable of operating at an acquisition rate above 40 MHz, as well as an implementation in the Calorimeter of the ATLAS Experiment.

Esquemas de escalonamento Qos-aware para enlace Uplink LTE-A em cenário de tráfego misto e redes heterogêneas
Itagildo Edmar Garbazza, Paulo R. Guardieiro

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661650
LTE-A networks have been developed to support a diversity of data traffic at high rates, especially to meet the requirements of applications such as video calls. This paper proposes a resource allocation scheme that prioritizes video call traffic in a heterogeneous network environment, with the presence of relay nodes. The results of the simulations demonstrated that the proposed allocation scheme can achieve better performance in terms of throughput and thus meet this requirement of video call applications.

Algoritmo de Decodificação para Correção de até Duas Rajadas de Erros em Códigos Matriciais MDS
Débora Beatriz Claro Zanitti, Carina Alves, Cintya W. O. Benedito

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661651
Keywords: Códigos Matriciais Códigos MDS Matrizes Superregular Erros em Rajada
This work presents a decoding algorithm for up to two burst errors for MDS matrix codes with parameters (m + k, k, m + 1) , for all m ≥ 4 , using superregular matrices, such as Vandermonde matrices. This algorithm is a generalization of the algorithm proposed in [1], where the case m = 4 is presented. An example of decoding three burst errors will also be presented, which leads us to conjecture that the proposed algorithm can be used to correct more burst of errors.

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