XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações

Uma Abordagem para o Planejamento da Capacidade de Redes em Ambientes Competitivos com Base na Teoria de Jogos
Helio Waldman, Rodrigo C. Bortoletto
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.100
Keywords: telecommunication networks network dimensio- ning game-theory blocking probability Markovian model Nash equilibrium
This paper discusses the network dimensioning strategies of two operating companies that supply channels to the same population of users based on a common infrastructure, in a competitive environment. The users wish to be serviced with minimum blocking probability, while the operators wish to maximize their profits. The resulting two non-cooperative games, respectively among the users and among the operators, are modeled and discussed. In the operators’ game, the effect of cost asymmetries is analyzed in order to determine the ability of an entrant to challenge a competitive monopoly as a function of his/her cost advantage.Download

Algoritmos de Decodificação Abrupta para Códigos LDGM
Fernando Pujaico Rivera, Jaime Portugheis
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.101
Keywords: Error correcting codes Low density generator matrix codes Decoding algorithms Hard decision decoding
Since Gallager introduced Bit-Flipping (BF ) deco- ding with hard-decision for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes (LDP C), other two variants were proposed by Sipser and Spielman for expander codes. Later, a soft-decision version of BF decoding, known as Modified Weighted BF (M W BF ) decoding, was investigated. This article proposes modified versions of Sipser and Spielman algorithms. Simulation results for long systematic Low-Density Generator Matrix (LDGM ) codes show a better performance of the proposed versions. Moreover, for moderate length systematic LDGM codes, simulation results show performance similar to that of MWBF decoding with the advantage of not requiring floating-point operations.Download

Medida e Caracterização de Ambientes Indoor utilizando o algoritmo SAGE
Sérgio Augusto Costa Macedo, João P. Leite
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.79
Keywords: High resolution algorithms indoor channel measurements SAGE
High resolution algorithms such as SAGE (Space Alternating Generalized Expectation Maximization) may be used to obtain the time response from a communication channel and, consequently, to obtain the power delay profile from environment. This paper presents a measure campaign by frequency sounding which employs SAGE to process these measurements, extracting the dispersion parameters for different indoor environments.Download

Codificação eficiente de mapas de profundidade com base em predição e aproximação linear
Luı́s F. R. Lucas, Nuno M. M. Rodrigues, Carla L. Pagliari, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, Sérgio M. M. de Faria
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.103
Keywords: Depth map coding linear approximation predic- tive coding view synthesis
This paper studies the problem of depth map compression for 3D video applications, based on virtual view synthesis. In this context, we propose an alternative algorithm to the current image coding standards, which avoids the known problems of depth map compression. The proposed algorithm is based on a flexible segmentation, combined with an hierarchical prediction step, that efficiently represent the objects’ sharp edges. The residue signal is approximated by a linear function. When compared to other alternative algorithms, the experi- ments show that depth maps compressed with our algorithm achieve state-of-the-art performance on virtual view synthesis.Download

Aplicação do Algoritmo ISAT na Superamostragem de Sinais Bidimensionais
José Alexandre Nalon, Yuzo Iano
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.104
Keywords: ISAT algorithm Image processing Interpolation Supersampling
There are numerous methods to increase pixel density in an image, many of them based in its frequency com- ponents, others based in computational intelligence techniques, among others. In this paper, we implement a supersampling method based on ISAT (In Situ Adaptive Tabulation). To assess the method’s efficiency, we compare the results of our simulations with classical techniques. While the algorithm here is presented with an emphasis on image processing, it could be used with signals with any dimensions.Download

An Upper-Bound on the Ergodic Capacity of Rayleigh-Fading MIMO Channels using Majorization Theory
Antonio Alisson Pessoa Guimarães, Charles Casimiro Cavalcante
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.102
Keywords: Ergodic Capacity MIMO systems Rayleigh- fading Majorization Theory
In this paper, we investigate the ergodic capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems over spatially uncorrelated Rayleigh-fading channels, assuming that the channel state information (CSI) is unknown at the transmitter and perfectly known at the receiver. Applying some results of majorization theory, we provide an analytical closed-form upper-bound to the ergodic capacity at any signal- to-noise ratio (SNR). In addition, we also derive an approximation to the ergodic capacity in high-SNR regimes. Finally, we present numerical results that confirm our theoretical analysis.Download

Detecção de Pontos Fiduciais sobre a Face em Tempo Real
Felipe M. L. Ribeiro, Gabriel M. Araujo, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, José F. L. de Oliveira, Siome K. Goldenstein
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.87
Keywords: Computer Vision Object Detection Video Trac- king Face Tracking
Recently, considerable attention has been given to the problem of robust detection and tracking of facial features. In this work, a framework for facial landmarks detection is presented. This framework is comprised by three interchangeable parts, namely preprocessing, classification and post-processing. In the classification stage, we used a cascade of classifiers based on correlation filters called IPD (Inner Product Detector). The resulting system is able to recognize facial landmarks on different subjects in real-time, under various lighting conditions. Details such as training of the detector employed, validation and usage are also discussed.Download

Aplicação da Transformada de Kahunen e Loève na Compressão de Imagens Multiespectrais Usando a Recomendação do CCSDS
Oscavo G. Prata Jr, Marcelo S. Pinho
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.105
Keywords: —Compressão de dados compressão de imagens multiespectrais transmissão de imagens de sensoriamento remoto.
This work proposes three different ways to apply the Kahunen and Loève Transform (KLT) in the algorithm for image compression recommended by CCSDS, in order to reduce the interband redundancy of multispectral images. The proposed schemes work with a fixed rate and have a simple algorithm to allocate the rate over the KLT components. The new methods are tested in a test set composed by four images from the CCD of CBERS-2B. The results show that these new methods can obtain an improvement over 2 dB when compared to the result of the CCSDS algorithm.Download

Transmit/Receive Beamforming in Multiuser AF Relay Networks with Opportunistic Scheduling
Daniel Benevides da Costa, André L. F. de Almeida, C. Alexandre R. Fernandes
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.88
Keywords: Beamforming techniques cooperative communi- cations multiuser diversity opportunistic scheduling outage probability
This paper evaluates the outage performance of multiuser relay networks in which the source and each one of the destinations are equipped with multiple antennas and employ beamforming techniques. More specifically, assuming Rayleigh fading channels and an amplify-and-forward relay, a general closed-form expression for the end-to-end outage probability is derived. Our analysis takes into account the benefits conferred by opportunistic scheduling in relay-assisted networks, where the source selects the destination with the strongest channel to schedule data transmission. The analytical results are validated by means of Monte Carlo simulation, and the effects of the relay placement and antenna configurations, on the overall system performance, are discussed through some representative numerical results and comparisons.Download

Transformada Fracional do Cosseno em Corpos Finitos
Juliano B. Lima, Ricardo M. Campello de Souza, Paulo Hugo E. S. Lima
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.106
Keywords: Eigenvectors finite fields fractional transforms cosine transform
In this paper, we present a definition for the fractio- nal cosine transform over finite fields. The proposed transform is derived from the knowledge of the eigenstructure of the discrete cosine transform and its relations with the eigenstructure of the discrete Fourier transform. A possible application of the new transform in the field of image encryption is discussed.Download