Detecção de Pontos Fiduciais sobre a Face em Tempo Real
Felipe M. L. Ribeiro, Gabriel M. Araujo, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, José F. L. de Oliveira, Siome K. Goldenstein
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.87
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: Computer Vision Object Detection Video Trac- king Face Tracking
Recently, considerable attention has been given to the problem of robust detection and tracking of facial features. In this work, a framework for facial landmarks detection is presented. This framework is comprised by three interchangeable parts, namely preprocessing, classification and post-processing. In the classification stage, we used a cascade of classifiers based on correlation filters called IPD (Inner Product Detector). The resulting system is able to recognize facial landmarks on different subjects in real-time, under various lighting conditions. Details such as training of the detector employed, validation and usage are also discussed.Download