Aplicação da Transformada de Kahunen e Loève na Compressão de Imagens Multiespectrais Usando a Recomendação do CCSDS
Oscavo G. Prata Jr, Marcelo S. Pinho
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.105
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: —Compressão de dados compressão de imagens multiespectrais transmissão de imagens de sensoriamento remoto.
This work proposes three different ways to apply the Kahunen and Loève Transform (KLT) in the algorithm for image compression recommended by CCSDS, in order to reduce the interband redundancy of multispectral images. The proposed schemes work with a fixed rate and have a simple algorithm to allocate the rate over the KLT components. The new methods are tested in a test set composed by four images from the CCD of CBERS-2B. The results show that these new methods can obtain an improvement over 2 dB when compared to the result of the CCSDS algorithm.Download