Uma Abordagem para o Planejamento da Capacidade de Redes em Ambientes Competitivos com Base na Teoria de Jogos
Helio Waldman, Rodrigo C. Bortoletto
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.100
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: telecommunication networks network dimensio- ning game-theory blocking probability Markovian model Nash equilibrium
This paper discusses the network dimensioning strategies of two operating companies that supply channels to the same population of users based on a common infrastructure, in a competitive environment. The users wish to be serviced with minimum blocking probability, while the operators wish to maximize their profits. The resulting two non-cooperative games, respectively among the users and among the operators, are modeled and discussed. In the operators’ game, the effect of cost asymmetries is analyzed in order to determine the ability of an entrant to challenge a competitive monopoly as a function of his/her cost advantage.Download