VII International Telecommunications Symposium

Analysing on the Quality of Head Tomographic Images with Power Intensity Variation
Arthur Barreto de Rangel Moreira Cavalcanti, Rafael Dueire Lins, Antonio Edsom Carvalho Filho
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.90
Keywords: Tomography Biomedical image processing Image analysis
Tomography is a non-invasive exam technique that provides a great amount of visual information of virtually inaccessible areas of the body. This paper analyses the quality of a set of tomographic images taken with different irradiated power, controlled by current value, searching for the smaller current that can provide sufficient quality images.Download

Analyzing the Propagation Features of the Texas eZ430-RF2500 Device
Eurico Moura B. Sobral, Rafael Dueire Lins, Zanoni Dueire Lins
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.91
Keywords: propagation Texas eZ430-RF2500
The Texas eZ430-RF2500 is a new device developed for wireless networking applications. This paper analyzes the propagation features of this device for the several operating modes.Download

Gunshot detection in noisy environments
Izabela L. Freire, José A. Apolinário Jr.
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.92
Keywords: gunshot detection gunshot classification impulsive signals Hidden Markov Models Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients stable distributions linear predictive coding
Gunshot detection finds application in the fields of law enforcement, forensic science, and defense (military applications). The first task of a sniper detector, aiming to estimate the direction of arrival of a given gunshot, is to detect automatically the presence of this audio event. Since it is a typical on-line application where a fast response is of paramount importance, a non (computationally) expensive procedure is needed. In a recent work, a simple procedure based on the correlation of the audio signal against a template has proved its efficiency as a gunshot detection algorithm. In this paper, we extend its evaluation to a noisy environment and assess its performance, in gunshot recognition and gunshot detection tasks, comparing it to other more complex methods.Download

A New Deblurring Algorithm for Textual Document Images
Daniel M. Oliveira, Rafael Lins, Gabriel P. Silva, Jian Fan, Marcelo Thielo
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.93
Keywords: Deblurring blur camera documents scanner documents
Documents digitalized by portable cameras or flatbed scanners may exhibit some blurred areas. Most deblurring algorithms are hard to implement and slow. Often they try to solve the problem for any kind of image. In the case of text document images, the transition between characters and the paper background has a high contrast. With that in mind, a new algorithm is proposed for deblurring of textual documents; there is no need to estimate the PSF and the filter can be directed applied to the image.Download

Applying Markov chains to calculate the probability of saturation in digital IIR filters
José Carlos M. Bermudez, Fernando G. Almeida Neto, Vítor H. Nascimento
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.22
Keywords: Saturation IIR filters Markov chains finite precision arithmetic
We propose a new method to model the effect of finite-precision arithmetic in infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filters. As an application, we use the proposed model to compute the probability of saturation or overflow in IIR filters implemented in fixed-point arithmetic. The transition from the current filter output to the next output is modeled as a firstorder Markov chain. The Markov chain transition probability matrix is then used to evaluate the probabilities of saturation or overflow for first and second-order IIR filters.Download

An Evaluation of the Effects of Propagation Channels on the Performance of WiMAX (IEEE 802.16-2004)
Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues de Araújo, Antonio Fischer de Toledo
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.124
Keywords: WiMAX IEEE 802.16-2004 simulation fading performance ITU-R M.1225 mobility
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of fixed-WiMAX (IEEE 802.16-2004) operating in seven propagation channel models, by implementing a WirelessMAN-OFDM physical layer simulator. Through comparative analysis of BER and throughput, the performance of the specified modulation and coding schemes and adaptive control actions were evaluated. Furthermore, the behavior of fixed-WiMAX subjected to a multipath propagation environment and utilization conditions characterized by both stationary and partially mobile applications was also exploited. Thus, this article provides a complementary vision of the standard, which has enabled the determination of customized values for the SNR levels employed for adaptive control, as well as the determination of the capacity obtainable under conditions of partial mobility.Download