XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações

Estimativa de Banda Efetiva para Tráfego de Rede Multifractal
Jeferson Wilian de Godoy Stênico, Lee Luan Ling
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.189
Keywords: Multifractal Traffic Global Scaling Parameter Effective Bandwidth.
Multifractal Traffic, Global Scaling Parameter, Effective Bandwidth.Download

Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism Based on Loss Probability
Jeferson Wilian de Godoy Stênico, Lee Luan Ling
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.190
Keywords: Loss Probability Admission Control Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
In this paper, we propose an analytical expression for estimating byte loss probability at a single server queue with multifractal traffic arrivals. The obtained expression is robust, stable and accurate in comparison with some existing methods in literature. Next we evaluate the potentiality of applying the proposed method in connection admission control by comparing with some other widely used admission control approaches. Finally we present a dynamic bandwidth allocation mechanism based on our multifractal based loss probability estimation method. Extensive experimental tests validate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed loss probability estimation approach, its superior performance for admission control and link resource allocation applications with respect to some well-known approaches suggested in the literature.Download

Plataforma Matlab/FPGA com Otimização de Desempenho para Simulação de Sistemas MIMO
Matias A. Bortoluzzi, Renato Machado
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.191
Keywords: FPGA Matlab MIMO quantization simulator
In this paper, we present a Matlab/FPGA platform with performance optimization for multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) systems simulation. This simulator combines the flexibility of high-level Matlab language with the FieldProgrammable Gate Array (FPGA) power processing. The variables involved in the simulation are generated in Matlab and sent to the FPGA RAM memories where they are used to quick analyze the bit error rate (BER) × SNR performance. These floating point quantities handled by Matlab are quantized to fixed point representation, suitable for processing on FPGA. An analysis of the performance loss in floating point quantization is performed in order to obtain the optimal size of the RAM memories depending on the BER requirements. Finally, we use the proposed plataform to a case study on a single-input singleoutput (SISO) which is a reference of MIMO techniques.Download

Compressão de Dados em Redes de Sensores sem Fio Usando Codificação de Huffman
Marcos Costa Maciel, Henry Ponti Medeiros, Richard Demo Souza, Marcelo Eduardo Pellenz
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.196
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks Data Compression
This work presents a lightweight data compression method for wireless sensor networks. Instead of attempting to devise novel ad-hoc mechanisms to solve the problem, we attempt to show that, given previous general knowledge of the parameters that must be monitored, it is possible to efficiently employ conventional Huffman coding to represent the same phenomenon when measured at a different location and time period. The statistics of the parameter which must be monitored can be inferred, for example, from public datasets. The Huffman dictionary computed using those statistics is shown to approach the entropy of the data difference. Experimental results with temperature datasets show that the proposed method outperforms one of the most popular compression mechanisms for sensor networks.Download

Implementação em FPGA de algoritmos de sincronismo temporal para OFDM
Diego Barragán Guerrero, Luís Geraldo P. Meloni
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.201
Keywords: OFDM detecção do pacote sincronismo de tempo VHDL FPGA
A técnica OFDM tem sido empregada em muitos esquemas de modulação da atualidade. No entanto, esta técnica é bastante sensível a erros de sincronismo de tempo e frequência. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a implementação, verificação e síntese em hardware digital de vários algoritmos de sincronismo temporal e de detecção do pacote usando símbolos do preâmbulo definidos no padrão IEEE 802.11a. É feita uma análise da implementação em termos de consumo de recursos, frequência de operação e variância de detecção. As arquiteturas propostas foram projetadas empregando-se VHDL na parte de implementação e sintetizadas em uma FPGA Xilinx Spartan 3E no ambiente de desenvolvimento ISE e ISim em modo de linha de comando. Os resultados obtidos constituem um instrumento importante na escolha de implementação de algoritmos de sincronismo em FPGA.Download

Reconhecimento de Voz Contínua com Atributos PNCC e Métodos de Robustez WD e MAP
Christian Dayan Arcos, Marco Antonio Grivet, Abraham Alcaim
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.210
Keywords: Signal degradation enhancement compensation attributes
The degradation of the speech signal due to adverse conditions generates low accuracy rates in speech recognition systems. The authors propose mixing two methods: pre-extraction of attributes for speech enhancement and post-extraction of attributes for features compensation. According to their main focus, they are fundamentally oriented to minimize the misfit caused by noise insertion in the speech signal. These methods will be applied before and after the extraction of attributes, respectively, therefore allowing the best possible estimation of the clear signal from its degraded version.Download

Simulação da Transformada Quântica de Fourier
Francisco R. F. Pereira, Elloá B. Guedes, Francisco M. de Assis
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.211
Keywords: Quantum Fourier Transform Simulation Quantum Algorithms
The quantum Fourier Transform is an important algorithm in Quantum Information Theory due to its capabilities to solve some Quantum Computation and Communication problems. However, so far, no practical quantum computer has been build neither its simulation is efficient on classical computers. Given these difficulties, this paper presents a software able to simulate the quantum Fourier transform – called FTSimulator – and also an analysis of its time performanceDownload

Escalonamento Baseado em Algoritmos Genéticos para Roteadores de Alto Desempenho
José Ricardo Hoffmann, Emilio Carlos Gomes Wille
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.202
Keywords: Router Input-Queued switches Scheduling algorithms Genetic Algorithms
Modern routers employ input-queued crossbar switches that require sophisticated scheduling techniques for packet transmission. The performance of the router then directly depends on the scheduling algorithm, considering its throughput and complexity. In this paper, a new genetic-based scheduling algorithm is developed and tested for high-performance Internet router operation. The proposed algorithm, called GENIUS, presents low complexity and the results show a performance close to the optimalDownload

Análise da Propagação ao em Redes de Sensores Sem Fio Aplicadas à Agricultura Irrigada
Eziom Alves de Oliveira, Fabrício Braga Soares de Carvalho, Brauliro Gonçalves Leal
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.212
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks RSSI Performance Analysis ZigBee
This article analyzes propagation characteristics of a wireless sensor network applied to precision agriculture. The evaluation performance of the networks is obtained through the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication), in a grape plantation. Experimental results showed that the distance between the sensor modules and the vegetation density affect directly the quality of the transmitted signalDownload

Codificação de Rede Aplicada a Rede Cooperativa com Múltiplo Acesso Simultâneo
João Luiz Rebelatto, Bartolomeu F. Uchôa-Filho
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.213
Keywords: Network coding cooperation multiple access channel
In this work, we elaborate on the recently proposed generalized dynamic network coding (GDNC), relaxing the orthogonal constraint during the cooperative phase. By allowing the parity packets to be transmitted simultaneously, we show that it is possible to decrease the system outage probability (increase the diversity order) and/or increase the network code rate, without harming the system performance. The outage probability is obtained analytically, and confirmed by numerical results.Download