Decodificação de lista para códigos de F. K. Schmidt usando Bases de Grobner
Taciana A. Souza, Francisco M. Assis, Leocarlos B. S. Lima
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2018.132
Evento: XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2018)
Keywords: Algebraic geometric codes List decoding F. K. Schmidt curve Grobner basis
F. K. Schmidt codes are algebraic geometric codes that consist on a generalization of Hermitian codes. In this paper, a list decoding algorithm for F. K. Schmidt codes is presented, which yields better performance than single decoding algorithms, that are less flexible. The presented algorithm employs Grobner ¨ basis on modules and is a generalization of an algorithm proposed by Lee and O’Sullivan, in 2009, for Hermitian codes.Download