A Robust MERRY Channel Shortening Technique for OFDM Systems in PLC Environment Corrupted by Impulsive Noise
Alam Silva Menezes, Moisés Vidal Ribeiro
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.15
Evento: VII International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2010)
This contribution introduces a robust version of the multicarrier equalization by restoration of redundance (MERY) algorithm for data communication through power line communication (PLC) channel corrupted by impulsive noise. The novelty is the introduction of a nonlinear and differentiable function into the cost function of MERRY algorithm. As a result, the proposed and named robust (R)-MERRY algorithm is less sensitive to the presence and hardness of impulsive noise. Simulation results reveal that bit error rate (BER) performance improvements can be attained in PLC scenariosDownload