Fractal Image Compression Versus Wavelet Transform Compression Applied to Computerized Tomography Images
Robinson Pizzio, Paulo R. G. Franco
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2000.5150178
Evento: XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2000)
"This paper studies the advantages and disadvantages of Fractal Image Compression (FIC) compared to Wavelet Transform Compression (WTC). The main point here is the quality x compression relation. As this paper deals with medical images, the image quality is vital, therefore a quantitative analysis was done using the PSNR (Peak Signal-Noise Ratio) criteria, and a qualitative analysis was performed by medical doctors, experts in this field. Our results indicate that there is an advantage in FIC for high compression ratios when we take the image quality into account. Considering the compression speed we have a significant difference, which indicates that WTC is faster than FIC."Download