Applying Componentware in Distributed Network and Telecommunication Services Management Through Java Technologies
Edson Yanaga, Luiz Nacamura Júnior

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2001.19800254
Evento: XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2001)
"The constantly evolving requirements of the telecommunication services market and their management systems demand new approaches that guarantee the scalability, robustness, and flexibility of network management systems. In addition, the new approaches must also provide cost and time reduction of the systems’ development process. We believe that a componentware approach applied to distributed management can address all of these aroused needs. Java has been increasingly utilized in the development of management systems, and it provides some key technologies that make it feasible for the implementation of a component-based distributed management system. In this paper we will present the application of the componentware approach in distributed network and telecommunication services management through Java technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans, and Java Management eXtensions."
