An Experimental Investigation of the Use of Injection Locking on the Remodulation and Filtering of WDM Channels
Aldário Chrestani Bordonalli, Joselan Álvaro Guimarães, Jeferson Luiz Benitez, Evandro Conforti, Cristiano De Mello Gallep
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2001.06000207
Evento: XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2001)
"The use of the optical injection locking in WDM receivers is experimentally investigated. As the locking bandwidth is controlled by the injected optical power, only the WDM carrier within the locking range can induce the locking of the slave laser and, therefore, be properly transmitted. In addition, properties of remodulation and reshaping for the selected channel information can be achieved by combining the injection locking process with a feed-forward laser current scheme. It was observed that optically injected semiconductor lasers can be used as optical filters, offering up to 40 dB extinction ratio. Also, the same locked laser under feed-forward current operation can perform the remodulation of 940 Mb/s optical channels."Download