On The Capacity of Noisy Channel with M-ary Runlength-Limited Inputs
Edmar Candeia Gurjao, Francisco Marcos De Assis
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2001.02800025
Evento: XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2001)
"Motivated by forthcoming of new materials that supports multi-amplitude data storage, McLaughlin and Luo [1] present some results on the capacity of noiseless runlength-limited codes. In this paper we tackle with a M-ary noisy channel which inputs are M-ary runlength-limited sequences. We obtain a lower bound on the capacity of that a channel and calculate the power spectral density of its input sequences. The results presented here can be viewed as a generalization of that given in [2] for the binary case."Download