A New On-Line Robust Approach to Design Noise-Immune Speech Recognition Systems
Fabian Vargas, Rubem D. R. Fagundes, Daniel Barros Jr.
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.855
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
Keywords: Digital Signal Processing (DSP); Speech-Recognition Systems (SRS); Noise Immunity; On-Line Testing; Software-Based Recovery Blocks (SBRB); Area overhead; Performance Degradation
"Hereafter, we present a new approach dealing to couple with the harmful effects of noise on speech recognition systems (SRS). This approach is oriented to hardware redundancy and it is essentially a modification of the classic software-based recovery blocks scheme. When compared to conventional approaches using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Hamming Code, the primary benefit of such a technique is to improve system performance when operating in real (i.e., noisy) environments. The second advantage is related to the considerably low complexity and reduced area overhead required for implementation. We implemented a fully version of the proposed algorithm using the C language. The goal of this implementation is twofold: first, it is used in this paper to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed ideas and enrich further discussions. Second, it will be used in a near future as a system single-source code specification that will be partitioned and implemented according to a HW-SW codesign methodology we have proposed in previous works."Download