Optical Packet Switching: new system for packet generation and highly selective header recognition
F. Rudge Barbosa, A. C. Sachs, R.. S. Ferreira, M. T. Furtado
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.740
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
Keywords: Optical networks Photonic switching digital communications
"By using a highly selective RF filtering for optical packet header frequency recognition, we have obtained significant improvement in optical switching function. Ultrafast switching (\u00b5s timebase) is realized by using RF frequency tones, inserted in the optical packet that carries a digital payload. The RF header is detected at optical node input, and signals the node switching control, which instantly directs the packet to a prescribed output. The optical circuit is noise-free, has no crosstalk, and is extremely selective in RF frequency header detection. BER measurements for payload consistently yield figures as low as 10 -12 . This system is also fully compatible with DWDM systems."Download