Synthesizing of Markovian and Self-similar LAN/WAN Traffic on Data Networks
Anibal D. A. Miranda, Alessandro Anzaloni
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.269
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
Keywords: Workload characterization Trafc engineering Real Web Trafc Measurements
"Lately, the actual statistical behavior of LAN/WAN trafc is being confronted against classical Markovian-based models. Many theoretical and simulation work have been done to date. Almost all such disagreements are based on software simulations. In this article we show a simple yet reliable tool that can emulate in an efcient manner many LAN/WAN trafc workloads. Spanning from Markovian-type trafc to fractal models. With this tool you can reproduce the statistical behavior you want your IP trafc ows would have over a real network environment. It can reproduce either real aggregated trafc (previously measured traces) or simply one workstation trafc behavior. This is a UDP-based tool, averting the complex TCP ow control mechanism (this was done so just for practical purposes only), nevertheless TCP ows can be reproduced though. All tests using this tool were supported with well-funded statistical analysis methods and was veried that statistical properties, overall concerning the Hurst (H) parameter, from such theoretical traces was maintained successfully, i.e., Hreal → Htheo . All these features make this tool very reliable to work with."Download