MNT23D: A Graphical User Interface for Formulation and Element Matrix Assembling in the Finite Element Method
K. Z. Nóbrega, A. M. Frasson, H. E. Hernández-Figueroa
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.110
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
Keywords: Finite Element Method MATLAB Symbolic Calculation Education Electromagnetics
"This paper discusses an integrated Finite Element Modeling package to derive an to analyze two and three-dimensional formulations of Maxwell’s equations governing classical electromagnetic propagation. In fact, the interactive developer here presented converts the point-wise partial differential operators to equivalent scalar integral operators, retrieves results, stores them in an external database, and finally calculates and exports the element matrices, necessaries to the Finite Element Method (FEM), in pre-established programming language formats, such as FORTRAN and C. The element matrices are calculated in an exact and efficient manner. Our developer takes into account linear and quadratic nodal elements, which can be triangles (2D) or tetrahedrons (3D). For the former, line and surface integrals are considered, while for the latter, surface and volume integrals are computed. This interactive developer is intended to alleviate the considerable programming effort normally demanded by the FEM, which is a powerful numerical tool widely used in engineering and applied sciences. Therefore, this developer may be beneficial for either professional and educational FEM activities. Here, the usefulness of the present developer is demonstrated through key electromagnetic examples."Download