Numerical Analysis of Planar Antenna Array Through the TTL Method
Giuliano F. Batista Oliveira, José Elesbão C. Neto, Humberto C. Chaves Fernandes
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.50
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
"For the microstrip patch resonator, as a planar antenna of a microstrip, a set of equations that represents the electromagnetic fields in the x and z direction as function of the electric field in the y direction are obtained applying the TTL method. This method is very suitable at microwave and antenna applications, and gives accurate complex resonant frequency which contributes definitively to obtain higher precision antenna parameters. For each type of array is calculated the array factor, considering the excitation, phase and the relative displacement between the elements as well as the dimensions and number of elements."Download