Cluster finding algorithm using linear array antenna
Sergio Forcellini, Luiz Cezar Trintinalia, Ryuji Kohno
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.25
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
Keywords: Array Antenna Smart Antenna DOA Estimation CDMA and SDMA
"Fast advance of Array Antenna research ensures its role as a key technology for future cellular systems [1,2]. However, most Smart Antenna techniques are restricted by the assumption that the number of signals is smaller than the array, although cost limits them to small sizes and researches indicate that usual path-distributions do not satisfy such assumption [3]. Alternatively, a good model is that a user\u2019s multipaths arrive at the base Gaussiamly and, according to the Central Limit Theorem, so is the distribution of their crowd. Clearly, a small DOA deviation results when the base station is near a publicly relevant facility where users tend to concentrate while a large one results when users are spread. In order to joint the benefits of code (CDMA) and spatial (SDMA) orthogonality among users, an algorithm that estimate the path-distribution using a small array is urged and is the contribution of this paper."Download