Statistical Analysis of a Pseudo Affine Projection Adaptive Algorithm
S. J. M. de Almeida, J. C. M. Bermudez, N. J. Bershad
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2003.732
Evento: XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2003)
This paper presents a statistical analysis of a Pseudo Affine Projection (PAP) algorithm, obtained by introducing a step size control parameter in the weight update equation of the Affine Projection (AP) Algorithm. An analytical model is derived for predicting the algorithm stochastic behavior for any step size $\alpha \leq 1$. Deterministic recursive equations are derived for the mean weight and for the mean square error behaviors for a large number of adaptive taps N, as compared to the order P of the algorithm. Simulations are presented which show excellent agreement between theory and simulations in steady-state and during transient. The learning behavior of the PAP algorithm is of special interest in applications where a tradeoff between convergence speed and steady-state misadjustment is necessary.Download