An IoT Middleware Template Proposal
Gustavo dos Santos Cardoso, Luiz Carlos Branquinho Caixeta Ferreira, Fernando Bauer, Eduardo de Lima, Luís G. Pedroso Meloni, Paulo Cardieri

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2022.1570823776
Evento: XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2022)
Keywords: Middleware Internet of Things Frameworks
There are several different IoT middleware platforms available for IoT systems. However, most of these platforms require high computational hardware to be implemented, making their use in low-cost and computationally restricted devices difficult. This motivated us to develop an IoT architecture and template suitable for computationally restrained hardware. We tested the proposed architecture in two application scenarios, using hardware with low computational power. The results, in terms of RAM and CPU usage rates and response time, show the proposed architecture makes good use of the available resources.
