Algoritmos Empíricos para Estimação da Razão Sinal-Ruído de Barreira no Sensoriamento Espectral via Detecção de Energia
Lucas dos Santos Costa, Dayan A. Guimarães, Bartolomeu F. Uchôa-Filho
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2022.1570812510
Evento: XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2022)
Keywords: sensoriamento espectral rádios cognitivos detecção de energia razão sinal-ruído de barreira
Energy detection (ED) is a widely adopted technique for detecting primary signals in cognitive-radio-based spectrum sensing. However, sensitivity to uncertainties in the knowledge of noise power at receivers is the main drawback that limits the detection capacity of ED and gives rise to the phenomenon called signal-to-noise ratio wall (SNRw). This paper studies the pros and cons of two empirical algorithms for SNRw estimation applicable to ED. Results show that the more recent yields, for example, more precision with lower estimation time. Its predecessor attains lower implementation complexity.Download