The Mobile Cellular Network as a Set of Voronoi Diagrams
J. N. Portela, Marcelo S. Alencar
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2004.221
Evento: XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2004)
Keywords: Cell planning mobile cellular network Voronoi diagram path loss prediction
It is common place to represent the mobile cellular network by means of hexagonal topology. This structure is useful for planning frequency reuse but not appropriate for the analysis of other functions including handoff, cell breathing and coverage. This work presents the mobile cellular network as a multiplicatively weighted, directional, truncated and dynamic Voronoi diagram. In order to generate this diagram, the proximity rule is based on radio parameters such as antenna height, transmission power, receiver sensitivity and specificenvironment propagation characteristics. The cell boundaries are the edges of the Voronoi diagram. They are defined by comparison of the radii of adjacent cells. The proximity between a mobile and a base station is determined by means of an Euclidean distance weighted by propagation parameters. Each cell is represented by a Voronoi region of the diagram.Download