Design and Analysis of IP Networks with End-to-End QoS Guarantees
Emilio C. G. Wille, Marco Mellia, Emilio Leonardi, Marco Ajmone Marsan
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2004.160
Evento: XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2004)
Keywords: Networks design and planning TCP/IP queueing theory optimization
Traditional approaches to optimal design and planning of packet networks focus on the network-layer infrastructure. In this paper we describe a simple methodology to tackle the packet network design problem, considering as constraints the end-to-end Quality of Service (e2e QoS) metrics, and we illustrate its application to the optimization of link capacities in a corporate Virtual Private Network (VPN). We use a realistic representation of traffic patterns at the network layer to design the IP network. Examples of application of the proposed design methodology to different networking configurations show the effectiveness of our approach.Download