Analysis of Influence of Non-Uniform Grids Method on the Self-Teleportation of Fields Method
Alexandre Milagre, Silvio Barbin
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2005.451
Evento: XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2005)
Keywords: FDTD method absorbing boundaries equivalent source subgridding
This work is based on the SelfTeleportation of Fields Method. This method consists on the cancellation of an incident wave by a negative copy of itself. However, this cancellation is not perfect when one applies the spatial and temporal discretization of the FDTD Method [1]. This error comes from phase difference between the incident and the copied waves. This work describes how to minimize this error by the use of the Non-Uniform Grids Method. From the achieved results, it is observed that the more refined the grid is, the more attenuated the incident wave will be, in despite of the increasing.Download