Comparação entre Esquemas de Detecção Distribuída e Mensagens Quantizadas
Rodrigo Pereira David, Raimundo Sampaio Neto, César A. Medina
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.97
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: Distributed Detection Quantization Wireless Sensor Networks
The distributed detection problem in wireless sensor networks using versions of been the subject of many studies over the last decade. This paper presents a performance comparison of two strategies for distributed detection which were results of these surveys. The first one uses identical sensors and majority rule in the fusion center and the second one is named universal distributed detection which operates without knowledge of the probability distribution of the observations of the sensors. The comparison is made with observations disturbed by Gaussian noise and the channel with no distortion between the sensors and fusion center. Subsequently, the comparison is made using non-ideal channel between the sensors and fusion center.The results obtained via simulation proved the superiority of the scheme using majority rule for both ideal and non-ideal channels between the sensors and fusion center.Download