Quantum protocols for transference of proof of zero-knowledge systems
José Nascimento, Rubens Viana

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2007.31231
Evento: XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2007)
Keywords: Zero-knowledge systems quantum protocols secure communication
Zero-knowledge proof system is an important protocol that can be used as a basic block for construction of other more complex cryptographic protocols. An intrinsic characteristic of a zeroknowledge systems is the assumption that is impossible for the verifier to show to a third part that he has interacted with the prover. However, it has been shown that using quantum correlations the impossibility of transferring proofs can be successfully attacked. In this work we show two new protocols for proof transference, being the first one based on teleportation and the second one without using entangled states.
