On the Simulation and Correlation Properties of Phase-Envelope Nakagami Fading Processes
José Cândido Silveira Santos Filho, Michel Yacoub
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2007.31154
Evento: XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2007)
Keywords: Correlation fading channels Nakagami fading rank statistics simulation
We propose a general method for simulating both envelope and phase of Nakagami fading channels, allowing for arbitrary values of fading parameter and nonisotropic scenarios. The method complies with the newly-derived Nakagami phaseenvelope distribution and Nakagami envelope autocorrelation function. In passing, we also address the unsettled problem of how to autocorrelate Nakagami phase samples appropriately. In the proposed scheme, Nakagami samples are first drawn and then suitably arranged to match the correlation properties of the channel. The arrangement follows the rank statistics of a Rayleigh (complex Gaussian) reference sequence with the desired autocorrelation. Relying on this scheme, we also derive simple, highly-precise, closed-form approximations to the envelope autocorrelation and to the unknown phase autocorrelation, quadrature component autocorrelation, and quadrature component crosscorrelation of the Nakagami channel. Sample results are presented, and practically no distinction is observed between the derived approximations and the simulation points.Download