Radiation and Absorption Properties of Gold Nanodipoles in Transmitting Mode
K. Q. Costa, V. Dmitriev, T. L. T. Santos, N. W. P. Souza, J. L. Souza, and G. L. Silvano
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.83
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: Optical antennas cylindrical dipoles plasmonics radiation
This paper presents an analysis of radiation and absorption properties of cylindrical gold nanodipoles in the transmitting mode. The conventional antenna theory and the linear method of moments are used for the theoretical analysis of these antennas in the near-infrared and lower optical frequencies (100−500THz). Radiation and absorption parameters, such as input impedance, efficiency, radiation and loss resistance are calculated in function of frequency for different dipole’s lengths and radii. The presented results can be useful to design efficient nanodipoles and to perform the input impedance matching of these antennas with plasmonic optical transmission lines.Download