Time-Deconvolutive CNMF for Multichannel Blind Source Separation
Thadeu Luiz B Dias, Wallace A. Martins, Luiz W. P. Biscainho
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2019.1570557364
Evento: XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2019)
This paper tackles multichannel separation of convolutive mixtures of audio sources by using complex-valued non-negative matrix factorization (CNMF). We extend models proposed by previous works and show that one may tailor advanced single-channel NMF techniques, such as the deconvolutive NMF, to the multichannel factorization scheme. Additionally, we propose a regularized cost function that enables the user to control the distribution of the estimated parameters without significantly increasing the underlying computational cost. We also develop an optimization framework compatible with previous related works. Our simulations show that the proposed deconvolutive model offers advantages when compared to the simple NMF, and that the regularization is able to steer the parameters towards a solution with desirable properties.Download