Impact of Outdated CSI on the Secrecy Performance of Multiple Untrusted Relay Networks with Direct Link and Destination-Based Jamming
Isabella W. G. Silva, Mateus Tojeiro, Edgar Eduardo Benitez Olivo, Diana Pamela Moya Osorio
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2019.1570552686
Evento: XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2019)
Keywords: Cooperative jamming full duplex outdated channel state information physical layer security
This paper investigates the impact of outdated channel estimates on the secrecy performance of multiple untrusted relay networks, where the direct link is used as an additional path of information and a destination-based jamming method is employed. In the proposed setup, the destination is considered to be equipped with two antennas in order to operate in fullduplex mode, thus allowing the reception of information from the source, while sending a jamming signal to prevent the untrusted relays from eavesdropping information. The system performance is evaluated in terms of the secrecy outage probability via Monte Carlo simulations.Download