Spectrum Sensing over κ-μ Fading Channel
Diogo Sanders, Fábio von Glehn, Ugo Silva Dias
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2011.146
Evento: XXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2011)
Keywords: Cognitive radio energy detection fading channels spectrum sensing κ-μ distribution
This paper presents the performance analysis of energy detection over generalized fading channels, modeled by the κ-μ distribution. Receiver operation characteristics (ROC) are obtained under several different fading environments, including low, typical, and very high severe fading conditions, with combining both multipath clusters and line-of-sight scenarios. In addition, the improvement in detection capability is evaluated when cooperative spectrum schemes are employed under κ-μ fading channel. Comparisons are performed against Rayleigh model and a great flexibility is found in spectrum sensing techniques when their formulations consider the use of the κ- μ fading model.Download