Development of an Antenna Tracking Electronic System for Digital Terrestrial TV based on Image in Real Time
Carlos Alberto Ramirez Behaine, Bernardo Dambrós Neckel
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2018.197
Evento: XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2018)
Keywords: Cognitive receivers Digital TV receivers Antenna tracking positioning
This development paper intends to assist the evolution of digital terrestrial TV signals in Brazil by increasing the quality of reception in distant areas of large centers. Aiming at this, we illustrate the construction of a cognitive tracking electronic system in real time, suitable to receive the waves of the signals of digital terrestrial TV, by rotations of the spatial axis of an antenna based on image filtering. The antenna used is a logperiodic for the frequencies between 470 MHz and 890 MHz, and the intelligent electronic used in the automation is based on the non-coherent analysis of Composite Video Burst Signal (CVBS). The results obtained with the tests of this project prove their effectiveness, and the importance of the use of an antenna for the tuning of the digital TV channels in Passo Fundo/RS, as well as the functionality of the circuits designed for the automation of the antenna.Download