Energy and Spectral Efficiencies Trade-off in Multiple Access Interference-Aware Networks
Alvaro R. C. Souza, Taufik Abraão, Fábio R. Durand, Lucas H. Sampaio, Paul Jean E. Jeszensky
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.1
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: Energy efficiency spectral efficiency DS/CDMA distributed power control
This work analyzes the power allocation problem in DS/CDMA systems under the energy efficiency (EE) metric, maximizing the transmitted information per energy unit. As the spectral efficiency (SE) is one of the most important performance metrics and is maximized with infinite power, the trade-off between these two metrics (EE-SE trade-off) are investigated and characterized in relation to multiple-access interference (MAI) power level, resulting that the optimum operating point is the max-EE point and the EE limitation imposed by MAI. To corroborate these results, we develop two algorithms for power allocation based on distributed instantaneous SINR level.Download