Low-Complexity Integer Forcing for Block Fading MIMO Multiple-Access Channels
Ricardo Bohaczuk Venturelli, Danilo Silva
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2016.2
Evento: XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2016)
Keywords: Integer-forcing block fading MIMO channels
Integer forcing is an alternative approach to conventional linear receivers in multiple-antenna systems. In the integerforcing scheme, the receivers try to extract integer combinations of messages from the received matrix before recovering each message individually. Recently, the integer-forcing approach was generalized to a block fading scenario. Among the decoding methods described, the one which achieves higher rates has the drawback that no efficient algorithm to find the best choice of integer linear combinations is known. In this paper, we propose a sub-optimal scheme to find those combinations with a lower complexity. Simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms other existing low-complexity methods.Download