Parâmetros balizadores para experimentos com comutadores OpenFlow: avaliação experimental baseada em medições de alta precisão.
Rafael Emerick Z. de Oliveira, Magnos Martinello, Pedro P. Piccoli Filho, Moisés R. N. Ribeiro
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.30
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: OpenFlow Oflops NetFPGA Open vSwitch .
The latency measurement, in a microsecond scale, and the frame loss ratio imposed by the current open-source implementations of OpenFlow switches are the object of study of this paper. Unlike previous studies that rely on high cost measurement apparatus, this paper uses as a tool for performance evaluation Oflops in conjunction with the NetFPGA traffic generator. There are, however, limitations of that method in some test scenarios, and discontinuities in response OpenFlow standard implementations in software and hardware. Such information are useful in planning the experiments related to the Future Internet based on open platforms.Download