Detecção Ótima e Subótima para um Radar Meteorológico com Três Antenas Fixas
Fernando Dário Almeida García, Marco Antonio Miguel Miranda, José Candido Silveira Santos Filho
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.169
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: Fixed antennas majority rule meteorological ra- dar optimal detection
In recent papers, we have proposed and analyzed an innovative low-cost framework for the construction of me- teorological radars, based on two fixed wide-beam antennas. In those papers, it has been found that a very large amount of signal samples would be required to ensure an adequate performance for the proposed radar. On the other hand, it has been envisaged that such problem could be circumvented by using more than two antennas. This work is a first step in this direction, by extending the original radar proposal from two to three antennas. We design an optimal detector for the new radar and derive its false- alarm and detection probabilities in closed form. In addition, for comparison, we also assess a suboptimal detection scheme, by applying the known two-antenna optimal detector to each possible pair of antennas, and by combining the partial decisions via majority rule. The optimal detector proves much better than the suboptimal one.Download