Análise de Privacidade em Redes IP: Aspectos Técnicos e Jurídicos
Antonio Evangelista de Freitas, João Pedro Hallack Sansão, Victor Guimarães Ferreira
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.168
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: Privacy on the Internet Network security Marco Civil of Internet
This paper is the result of a study on security and privacy on the Internet. An analysis will be done by addressing the technical aspects of communication in IP networks pointing at which layers of the network is possible to obtain information that compromise user privacy causing failure in network security. Some network security breaches that compromise privacy on the network were exemplified. Given this study, we intend to get the header information via a network sniffer to be able to analyse which of them compromise the privacy of users and how the Brazilian legislation addresses this issue. The main legal issues in Brazil that deal over the limit and scope of security and user privacy in network will be discussed focusing on the main law regulating the Internet, the Marco Civil of Internet.Download