Técnica de Localização de Objetos Enterrados Baseada em Métodos LS não lineares
Artur Araújo Rodrigues, André Noll Barreto, Adoniran Judson Braga, Leonardo Aguayo

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2018.138
Evento: XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2018)
Keywords: Localization Technique Least Squares Optimization Through-the-Earth Communications
Least Squares optimization is one of the methods utilized to solve the problem of nodes localization in wireless networks. Within its numerous variations, these algorithms based on the gradient approach generally use channel models typical of the particular scenario for each application. This paper explores the use of these techniques when applied to the localization of buried objects, by means of signal transmission using magnetic induction, also known as through-the-earth (TTE) communications. For this purpose, the performance of a TTE channel model is evaluated.
