Radar Meteorológico com Antenas Fixas: Projeto e Analise de Detector Ótimo
Marco Antonio Miguel Miranda, José Cândido Silveira Santos Filho, Gustavo Fraidenraich, Michel Daoud Yacoub, João Roberto Moreira Neto, Yusef Cáceres Zúñiga
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.138
Evento: XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2013)
Keywords: Weather radar Likelihood Ratio Detector Correlation Coefficient.
In a recent paper, we have proposed a new lowcost framework for the construction of meteorological radars, by using two fixed widebeam antennas. In this work, we present the design of an optimal detector for this new kind of radar. The detector is designed according to the Neyman-Pearson criterion, based on the likelihood ratio of the signals received by the two antennas. Such a criterion, as well known, maximizes the detection probability for a given false-alarm probability. These probabilities are obtained in an exact closed form for the designed detector, as well as its performance is illustrated by numerical examples.Download