Sistema de Detecção de Pontos Fiduciais utilizando Classificadores Lineares C-SVC
Luiz Eduardo Sales e Silva, Kenny Vinente dos Santos, Waldir Sabino da Silva Júnior
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.97
Evento: XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2013)
Keywords: SVM pattern detection fiducial points.
Currently, there is a growing interest from the scientific and/or industrial community in respect to methods that offer solutions to the problem of fiducial points detection of human faces. Some methods use the SVM for classification, but we observed that some formulations of optimization problems were not discussed. In this article, we propose to investigate the performance of mathematical formulation C-SVC when employed in a classifier for fiducial points detection system of human faces. An important aspect this research is to explore the parameters that have not been used in the literature for training the SVM. In terms of comparison, the results demonstrate that the proposed method has competitive performance and, in some cases, the proposed method outperforms others.Download