Análise da influência do monitoramento OTDR em uma rede WDM-PON
Ulisses W. C. Costa, Renan Santos, Renan Almeida, Nayanne Satie Moritsuka, Carlos R. Lisboa Francês, João C. W. A. Costa
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.83
Evento: XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2013)
Keywords: WDM-PON FTTH OTDR BER VPITransmissionMaker
Passive optical networks are becoming more popular as wideband access networks tecnologies. Due to their importance, such networks demands continue supervision scheme. Different techniques could be employed for Optical Network Supervision, among them those using reflectometry have highlighted, because they offer low cost when compared with other monitoring methods and do not require intervention in the user’s home. On the other hand, when doing monitoring, it is expected that this action does not influence the information signal transmitted to the subscriber. In this context, this work aims to quantify, through simulations, how the technique of time domain optical reflectometry interferes on the transmission of a WDM-PON network.Download