VALIDA - Uma Plataforma Web para Comissionamento de Largura de Banda de Circuitos Virtuais para Enlaces de Alta Disponibilidade
Mateus V. T. Teixeira, Rafael Emerick Z. de Oliveira, Rafael D. Vencioneck, Luiz G. B. Bueloni, Rodolfo S. Villac¸a
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2018.113
Evento: XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2018)
Keywords: Network commissioning available bandwidth virtual circuit access networks microservices Nodejs Containers Docker.
This paper presents VALIDA, a low cost tool for agile commissioning of virtual circuits to access networks infrastructures. VALIDA has low cost of deploy and operation, and is able to homologate simultaneously the real capacity of multiples link using a API REST to facilitate the troubleshooting in networks performance bottlenecks. VALIDA is in operation at the RNP Point of Presence at Esp´ırito Santo (PoP-ES) and its implementation is based on microservices with Nodejs. Through experimentation in a critical and real environment, it was possible not only to expose to the network managers the occupation of the client links to PoP-ES, but also to realize performance evaluations without entailing unavailability of operational connectivity services.Download