Sparse Inverse Chirp-Z Transform of S-Parameter Measurements for Time Domain Analysis of Transmission Line
Guilherme H. Weber, Hector L. Moura, Guilherme Dutra, Uilian J. Dreyer, Rafael J. Daciuk, Jean C. C. da Silva, Cicero Martelli, Daniel R. Pipa, Marco J. da Silva
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2017.227
Evento: XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2017)
Keywords: ICZT Sparse Analysis S-Parameters Time- domain Analysis
Time-domain analysis of S-Parameters can be performed by converting data collected in the frequency to time domain. Although the use of the Chirp Z Transform approach, a more general Fourier transform tool, flexibilizes data acquisition, the conversion (or inversion) becomes difficult. Most existing methods approximate the Inverse Chirp Z transform by a minimum norm solution, which does not have strong physical support. In this paper, we propose a Sparse Inverse Chirp Z transforms specially crafted for sparse time-domain signals representing spikes generated at impedance discontinuities. The method is verified by comparing time-domain results of S- Parameters extracted of a cascaded transmission line set to the ones given by ADS Keysight® software, showing good agreement in reflection and transmission behavior of the line.Download