Análise de Perda de Pacotes em Sistema de Controle em Rede sem Fio com Aplicação de Filtros Kalman
Edson Leonardo dos Santos, Welder Siena, Carlos Alexandre Gouvea da Silva, Eduardo Parente Ribeiro
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2017.263
Evento: XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2017)
Keywords: Gilbert-Elliott Model Packet Loss Kalman Filter Wireless Networked Control System
The use of wireless technology in industrial networks has a high challenge due to the expected quality requirements. Effects such as delay and noise can affect the performance of a wireless network. The loss of packets during data transmission is one of the main defects that can influence the operation of an industrial plant. In this sense, the simulations on a control plant consists of an essential aspect to evaluate the stability of the system and the behavior of controllers, in the process of attenuation of these losses of packets. Thus, this work presents the analysis of the Gilbert-Elliott loss model on a Wireless Networked Control System (WNCS) with application the Kalman filter for loss compensation. Results show that the parameters calibrated for the model have approximate values in the estimation for the losses behavior and that also proved to be compatible with the scenario of bursts losses with errors less than 6%. In addition, was verified that by applying to Kalman filter is possible to reduce the error of the output system in relation to the reference in the presence of packet losses.Download