Nanophotonics in Modern Communication Systems – Feasibility of Plasmon-Polariton Waveguides in Optical Networks
Anderson O. Silva, Jorge A. Macedo, Victor Dmitriev, André Lages
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.19
Evento: VII International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2010)
Keywords: Nanophotonics surface-plasmon-polaritons subwavelength waveguiding structures
Use of surface-plasmons-polaritons has become a potential way to develop optical components below the diffraction limit. This paper reports the feasibility of some plasmonpolariton waveguides in optical communication systems. Combinations of metal elements of different geometry are theoretically analyzed. They can serve as building blocks in future nanophotonic systems. The spectral responses of these structures show they can be used as frequency selective components in optical communication windows for wavelength division multiplex applications.Download